Accessing every potential within us

There is great energy building for my upcoming 12hr healing event on the new moon / solar eclipse on April 8.
I'm inspired to drop deeply into myself and tap into energies I have not tapped into before exploring the 'creativity shadow'.
As the energy shifts, removes and aligns in with this journey I have noticed new leads coming in.
These are opening other leads and opportunities.
Confidence in self is on the rise,
While self centredness is stabilising.
I don't know exactly what will happen during this 12hr period. I work best by trusting in the 'unfolding' within the event's framework of: the time I am dedicating (12hrs), the way of delivering the event (via HD video) and the theme. Everything else will reveal itself as we go.
If you would like to dive fully into your creative shadow and access your fullest potential in your life now, then this may be the shift and focus you need. These events are literally life changing.
Are you ready to explore your creative shadow?
Would you like to shift away from your self doubt, lack of self confidence and feeling unworthy?
Is there a potential in you - a spark - that you would like to activate and access?
Does a more creative and abundant life call to you?
Would you like to deeply focus with some serious healing time?
Join me on the day (Monday 8th April 10am - 10pm Sydney time), or later when it suits you better.
More info and registration is open here:
Keep your eye out for my 5 x day countdown support videos (streamed on my Temple of Balance Facebook Page) from the 3rd of April to help us prepare for this event.
I'd love to see you there!
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters