Card for 25 May

Today's card is pulled from my in-creation Healing Energy Cards 2...
This seems to be a perfect card for today as we are thrust into obstacles, restrictions and limitations which may come as a complete surprise. What do we do about it? How do we 'weather the storm'?
On that note, for now, until my own personal restrictions are lifted, I will share the daily card here on my blog. In case you haven't heard facebook has locked me out of my account for some reason - which means all cards and posts I had already scheduled for the week will not be posted.
I will not let this stop me, I am adapting and have other ways to share. If you are on facebook, and resonate with this card, please share it as much as you can - thank you.
Today's card info:
ADAPTATION - weathering the storm
There are times when new versions of ourselves are required so we can navigate our way through our life .
While we might be doing our best to stay upright, sometimes life knocks us about, or we might feel the ground crumbling beneath us.
This card is about putting on our navigating 'suit', and standing in our power as best as we can as we find our way through this time - no matter what.
It is the running over the hot coals of our life to get to the other side. It is 'avoiding' the avoidance of putting something off. It's not waiting for the rainy day to take action. It is putting on the fire-resistant suit to walk through the fires of our life.
We may be facing situations which are confronting or confusing, and our first instinct may be to run, hide or ignore. However this card is reminding us to consider being adaptable - to adjust to what we are going through. So let's put on the protective suit we need to weather this storm and move our way into it.
"I have the resources I need to navigate my way through this storm, to be flexible and adaptable, so I can come out the other side. I may come out the other side feeling a bit battered, however my priority is getting through this."
Card category: ACTION (options: rest, action, depth, rising, neutral).
This deck is in the last stages of creation, and although intentions were to release later 2020 or 2021, with the current world situation this is unknown at this time.
You can learn more about my original Healing Energy Cards (cards 1-55) here:
Thank you for connecting.
How does this resonate with you?
All my LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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