CARD SPREAD: 6 month reading

On Monday the 21st of December I hosted our first ever Solstice Online Gathering. This was available for our active Pillar of Light Members and December Temple of Balance Patrons.
We had around 25 x people from all around the world attend online via Zoom. It was a fantastic couple of hours spent gathering, sharing and coming together to do something we enjoy.
As promised, especially for those who couldn't attend, I have created this blog article to share the spread layout with you - for you to try yourself.
Please modify any sections of the spread to best suit your needs. If you do want to adjust anything, please do it before you get out your cards and begin.
Thank you to all who attended. I look forward to getting together in this way again in the June Solstice 2021 - and if time allows, perhaps in the March Equinox. I will let you know at least 3 x weeks prior.
To participate in person, please become a Pillar of Light Members or Temple of Balance Patron.
Let's explore...
Lee-Anne Peters
Blog Photo, thanks to P. Florea.
Purpose - to offer insight into our current state and immediate action to consider for helping us make the most of the next six months.
Deck - Animal Kingdom Oracle Cards - combined with - Speed of Light Oracle Cards. Any accurate oracle deck will work with this spread.
Amount of cards - 8
When to do it - when guidance, clarity or confirmation of one's path is needed.
How often should I do it - approximately once per month (or longer).
Method -
1. Shuffle your Oracle Cards in preparation to begin. Have your journal nearby.
2. As you shuffle simply repeat out loud or in your mind - Please show me what I need to know for the next six months.
3. When you feel ready finish shuffling and prepare to pull the cards the way you usually do. If you don't have a 'usual' way then split the deck into two and place the pile from the bottom onto the top. The cards should remain face down. Now you have a pile of cards in front of you.
[Spread / layout guide]
4. Refer to the image above for your spread. Keeping your cards face down, take the first card from the top of the deck and place it at position 1. Then the second card into position 2, and so on until you get to card 8 and position 8. Place the remaining deck to the side.
5. Now start at position 1 and turn that card over. As you connect with the card itself, think of it in relation to the position focused on the PAST SIX MONTHS. Consider in this position - Where you've been. This should be something you can relate to and understand at present. This will help establish an important 'anchor' point and validate the rest of the cards.
6. Move to position 2 when you're ready and turn that card over. Study the card and trust your intuition as you perceive its message for you. Then look at it in regards to it's position of: HEALTH - considering - what do you need to know about your current state of health?
7. When you're ready turn your attention to position 3 and flip over that card. What is the card and what is its message for you today? Think of it in regards to: FINANCES - What is the current state of your finances? This card should offer you a perspective around your finances.
8. When you're done turn the card over at position 4. Again study the card and trust your intuition with it. This position in the spread will offer some insight into: ACTION AROUND HEALTH OR FINANCES. Consider what action you need to take to improve your finances or health? What can you do in regards to your financial and physical health? This is an action section, so consider what your next move might be - remembering that sometimes our next move is to maintain what we have already been doing.
9. Flip over the card at position 5 - this section of the spread is about looking at: LOVE. Consider what you need to know around self love, relationships and how to feel more love / connection with your life.
10. Move your attention to position 6 and turn over that card. This card is about: FOCUS. As you study this card in this position consider what would be the best focus for you moving forward? There may be 'action' in this message too - especially from a mental / focus level.
11. Next is position 7 - flip over that card when you're ready. This is the STRENGTH position. Contemplate HOW or WHERE could I be braver in my life? This strength area can also be focused around courage, bravery, confidence, stability and contentment.
12. The final card is in position 8 - reveal this card. This represents: GROWTH - especially growth for you over the next six months. Maybe ask yourself, in relation to the card you pulled here - what will my overall growth be in the next six months? Bear in mind here, that this is a FUTURE card, so it may not make as much sense as some of the others at this stage. Write it down and reflect back on this card and position over the coming weeks - as things fall into place.
13. When you've finished studying the cards and working out their message in relation to their position in the spread, collect the cards and place them on top of the rest of the deck. Shuffle them and then put your deck away until next time.
Alternatively you can keep the cards out and keep them close by for the rest of the day or the days to come - allowing their message and energy to sink in.
Consider actions you can take from the information you've received.
I trust this spread helps you journey through these coming months.
All my LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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