- 18 March 2019 - By Lee-Anne Peters -
This has been a monumental week mixed with breakdown and breakthrough. We’ve had our good days, and then not so good days. We’ve had to overcome obstacles, face the truth of things we didn’t want to accept and let a chunk of our past go. We had to be strong when we felt weak, and we had to choose to sever the ‘old story’ of what happened. We’ve been tested beyond measure and yet are now travelling out the other side stronger, more vibrant and eager than before. New plants are sprouting up within the burned out barren land. We are starting new things, opening our eyes to new experiences and turning over a new leaf in our life.... Plus information on healing, clearing, turning over a new leaf, physical, emotional and mental statuses and much more.... LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE -- (only AU10 p/m - or approx USD7 p/m).
Energy Report have been coming to you since 2007.
New family are always welcome and you can learn more about it all at
Our Pillar of Light Family enjoy these resources:
MEDITATION - Breaking through illusions meditation.
HEALING EVENT - private live video - Sat 23 March.
SUPPORT - Daily support in our closed fb group.
REPORTS - Weekly detailed Current Energy Reports emailed.
- Learning, connecting further with your personal truth, support & more...
Pillar of Light Family - your Full Report will soon reach your inbox.
Next Report out next Monday,