- 27 January 2020 - By Lee-Anne Peters -
This has been a big time of ups and downs. Many of us have been moving in surges and experiencing highs and lows. We’ve battled with our negative thoughts and we’ve felt swallowed up by intense emotions. We’ve blown things out of proportion and we’ve been struggling to cope. Yet, we’ve also experienced high hopes, beautiful and touching emotional moments, great connections, personal accomplishment, dedication and progress in our life. In most cases we’ve had to break old habits and set new positive and supportive intentions - backed with action - for a more substantial and successful turn around...continue reading the full report, with more information on; the effects of our repining, shifting what / where we put our attention, readying ourselves, preparation, balance, mental state, activity status, physical, emotional and mental statuses and much more.... LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE
Energy Report have been coming to you since 2007.
New members are always welcome and you can learn more about it all at
Pillar of Light Membership started in April 2014.
Our Pillar of Light Family enjoy these resources:
HEALING EVENT - private live video - Feb coming next.
SUPPORT - Daily support in our closed fb group.
REPORTS - Weekly detailed Current Energy Reports emailed.
- Learning, connecting further with your personal truth, support & more...
Pillar of Light Family - your Full Report will soon reach your inbox.
Next Report coming next Monday,