- 6 July 2020 - By Lee-Anne Peters -
This continues to be a powerful time of adjustment, repositioning ourselves, and coming to terms with or digesting our new reality and where we find ourselves. There is no denying that the changing tides upon which we find ourselves are deep, penetrating and life changing. Day after day, change after change, one thing after another... for some of us it is relentless... and these relentless changes are either deemed as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Those of us experiencing positive change will likely feel like we’re on fire and flying high in a supportive and abundance environment. Those of us in more ‘negative’ seeming experiences may feel extra burdened, overwhelmed and exhausted from the ‘battle’ that is underway. Duality is strong, so polarities are also playing out loudly...continue reading the full report, with more information on; settling into our new reality, behind the scenes activity, getting things into order, adjustment, repositioning, life's path, shell of a body, alignment, trust, healing, activity status, physical, emotional and mental statuses and much more.... LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE
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Pillar of Light Membership started in April 2014.
Our Pillar of Light Family enjoy these resources:
HEALING EVENT - private live video - Next: 16 July.
SUPPORT - Daily support in our closed fb group.
REPORTS - Weekly detailed Current Energy Reports emailed.
- Learning, connecting further with your personal truth, support & more...
Pillar of Light Family - your Full Report will soon reach your inbox.
Next Report coming next Monday,