Current Energy Report Snippet - 20 June 2016

This weekend has felt to many of us like we’re trudging through a thick volcanic mud field. The soil is the richest and most fertile we may have ever experienced, yet the journey through it is tough. It’s been tiring, difficult to divert our attention to something else as we take one step at a time sinking down into the fertile mud. We now hover, in between the full moon and the solstice. We are in the ‘zone’ of incredible potential and on the verge of manifesting it in our lives. While we trudge through the mud we may become very self-focused, problem-focused and feel stuck - stuck in the mud... CONTINUE by becoming a part of our Pillar of Light Family - SEE HERE
New family are always welcome and you can learn more about it all at

Exclusive - resources available:
~ June Meditation mp3 - Rose Inspired Alignment Meditation
~ TOB Radio - Tues 21 June (tomorrow)  - on-air guidance

Pillar of Light Family - your Report will soon reach your inbox.

Next Report out on Friday,

Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Temple of Balance


Browse Lee-Anne's Supportive Services

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