- 10 Jan 2022 -
This is a powerful time and opportunity for us to refreshen some of our spaces with a spring clean, throw out or refreshing things with new uplifting items / people / experiences. This may be especially important for those of us who have been feeling heavy, scared, stuck, stagnant, or like something calls to move in our life but nothing much has been happening. Individually – many of us have been progressing in our own little and personal ways over these past couple of years, but globally the energy has been stuck, stagnant and degressive. To help this global energy shift now, many of us are being called into personal action – like we are all individual parts of an engine - and ignite / start that engine we shall. Things are moving out of global stagnation / pause, and will accelerate quickly soon. Doors that have been closed, will start to open...continue reading the full report, with more information on; refresh, fear, hope, support, survival, direction, life's path, depth, healing, changes, activity status, physical, emotional, spiritual and mental statuses and much more..... LOTS MORE TO READ when you become a part of our Pillar of Light Family SEE HERE