Healing Energy Cards - 'My Reality Status' Spread

During June 2020, while undergoing a personal, and global reality shift, I was inspired to see if I could get more information for myself (on the personal side) for this turn-of-the-tide.
The spread itself was inspired after this picture (above) and post shared in 28 June 2020:
I trust you find this beneficial.
Purpose - to offer insight, support and information about our current and forthcoming state of reality.
Deck - Healing Energy Cards
Amount of cards - 12
When to do it - when you are going through major physical / life / body changes. When you feel that there is change coming, perhaps many old doors have closed lately and you're in limbo and don't know where you're going. Maybe you're in a state of confusion about your path and where you sit within your world, or you're facing the unknown.
How often should I do it - during times of change. Refer to Resolution Spread for ongoing support.
Method -
1. Shuffle your Healing Energy Cards in preparation to begin. Have your journal nearby.
2. As you shuffle simply repeat out loud or in your mind - Please show me my current reality status.
3. When you feel ready finish shuffling and prepare to pull the cards the way you usually do. If you don't have a 'usual' way then split the deck into two and place the pile from the bottom onto the top. The cards should remain face down. Now you have a pile of cards in front of you.
[Spread / layout chart]
4. Refer to the image above for your spread, and keeping them face down, take the first card from the top of the deck and place it at position 1. Then the second card into position 2, and so on until you get to card 12 and position 12. Place the remaining deck to the side.
5. Now start at position 1 and turn that card over. As you connect with the card itself, think of it in relation to the position focused on WHAT IS MY 'CURRENT REALITY STATUS'?. This should be something you can relate to and understand at present. This will help establish an important 'anchor' point and validate the rest of the cards.
6. Move to position 2 when you're ready and turn that card over. Study the card and trust your intuition as you perceive its message for you. Then look at it in regards to it's position of: HOW DO I CURRENTLY SEE THE WORLD? - although this is not a 'world situation' reading, how we view what is going on in the world - even in 'our world' closer to home, can show us an insightful perspective of our inner world.
7. Turn your attention to position 3 and flip over that card. What is the card and what is its message for you today? Think of it in regards to: HOW DO I CURRENTLY SEE MY LIFE? This card should offer you a perspective of your life and how it is playing out for you, or feeling for you at this time.
8. When you're done turn the card over at position 4. Again study the card and trust your intuition with it. This position in the spread will offer some insight into: WHAT ARE THE LESSONS I AM LEARNING? This is kind of like what is happening under the surface, within the experiences and your reactions to situations - let the truth be revealed.
9. Flip over the card at position 5 - this section of the spread is about looking at: WHAT ACTION DO I NEED TO TAKE? Consider what the card is highlighting and emphasizing in regards to action which you may have been contemplating, or hadn't even thought of - might this action work? Or is it confirming that you are going in a good direction with your current course of action?
10. Move your attention to position 6 and turn over that card. This card is about: WHAT IS MY ROLE RIGHT NOW? This will be about walking in your shoes and what your role is at this time - especially in relation to your personal reality shift.
11. Next is position 7 - flip over that card when you're ready. This is the MY 'OLD' PERSONAL REALITY THAT IS CRUMBLING position. Rather than a question, this position, and the following two - are like 'status' cards. This one is highlighting a general theme or what it is that your 'old' reality represents at this time. Please note, you will likely either be 'sitting in' this status (letting the old crumble away), or the next (position 8) transitional period, or the following (position 9) 'new' reality birthing phase.
12. The next card is position 8 - reveal this card. This represents: MY 'TRANSITIONAL' PERIOD. This may be the stage you are in during this reality change, or, if you are 'sitting in' the old crumbling - this card maybe what is to come. Just like if you are sitting in the newly birthed reality, this card in position 8, may be what you have recently moved through.
13. In position 9 this card represents: MY 'NEW' PERSONAL REALITY THAT IS BEING CREATED. You may be in this space already if the changes have been applied, manifested and are now being seen as an actual reality in your life. It is likely though that you are 'present' in position 7 or 8 at the time of reading.
14. Turn your attention, when you're ready to position 10 - have a look and feel of this card. This position represents: WHAT ARE MY CURRENT SETBACKS? This can be revealing, especially after the previous three cards about the 'phase of your reality' status. Sometimes our setbacks here reveal our limiting stubbornness, fear of the unknown or lack of confidence to progress in our life.
15. The next card is position 11 - reveal this card. This represents: WHAT ARE MY CURRENT OPPORTUNITIES? This can be an interesting card to reveal. Where are the opportunities within the current situation of change? How might you utilise or take hold of this opportunity? How might it apply to your life?
16. ... and finally we have the last card in position 12 - turn this over when you're ready. This position represents: WHAT IS MY NEXT STEP? This is an action card, but can also confirm for us to continue down a similar course we are walking. See how it fits and applies for immediate action in your life - in relation to the theme of this spread.
17. When you've finished studying the cards and working out their message in relation to their position in the spread, collect the cards and place them on top of the rest of the deck. Shuffle them and then put your deck away until next time.
Alternatively you can keep the cards out and keep them close by for the rest of the day or the days to come.
I trust this spread helps you journey through big changes in your life.
If you'd like to learn more about my Healing Energy Cards, please take a look HERE
All my LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Hi Leanne, I was drawn to doing this reading with my joined SofLO cards and AKO cards. It was so incredibly accurate & supportive up to the 7 card then I got lost as to how to interpret them.
I would love to have joined your card readings, not possible due to pension and Im saving for the healing cards. I was wondering if you could give me a small insight into what they say. I took a pic …. unable to attach it. From 7 – 12
2- butterfly,(AK)16-rabbit,(AK)37- spirit bird(SL)
5- crocodile,30-black panther,26- spirit dragon. (All AK)
If it not appropriate to ask, I understand completely. 💜💜
Thank you for all you do. Rae