Message for April - sent with LOVE

Happy April!!
I bring this message to you in hope that it may bring you some comfort if you require it.
This message comes to you around the beginning of each month, along with some updates and what’s happening at Temple of Balance. I have pulled some cards for each week in April below.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
March has been very busy, however in a different way to February. February was jam packed from start to finish, whereas generally March has had a heavier transformative intensity that has kept us busy. Maybe we will have, or create some reprieve in April? In many ways March has been monumental with births, loved ones passing away, milestones, moving, and significant progress, and completion being made on certain activities and projects.
I have laid out some cards for April- let’s see what they say…
The first week of April is set to be busy (2 x cards turned into 5, with featured cards). We’re firstly encouraged to get ultra serious about being grateful for what we have, and to make time to stop and smell the roses this whole month. Our three month bigger picture (April, May June) is reminding us to stay optimistic and hopeful that things are working out.
The second week of April pushes us through an initiation period - a test of sorts, so we can see how far we’ve come on this journey. Our personal mission may be solidified with clarity and this will be a great week to step up and help others, as well as set up a meeting if required.
During the third week of this month we will likely see eye-to-eye with others, relationships may be under the spotlight and resolving any niggling issues will likely be favourable. Some of us may be thrust into the raw reality of cycles and how everything is cyclic. The biggest cycle is the birth / life / death one, however the seasonal, lunar, solar and physical body cycles may also be in play this week.
The final week of April highlights gathering resources and saving finances. This is a good time to collect and gather the things we need so we can become more self sufficient and resourceful. Communication and expressing ourselves is highlighted this week as we clear the air, say what needs to be said and listen, as well as speak when required.
Our theme energy for April is focused around being social, cooperating and being determined to find a way. Cooperating with ourselves and others can help the energy run smoother as long as we aren’t sacrificing our truth, but instead finding a compromise. We’re encouraged to be attentive, focused and proactive in finding a way to carve a new path out for ourselves now. We may be facing unchartered territory (for us).
If you’d LOVE me to do a video reading for you for the upcoming month ahead (May), please have a look on my patreon website - link below.
For more current energy updates throughout April, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
HEALING ENERGY CARDS UPDATE - Healing Energy Cards 1 (upgraded original deck) and Healing Energy Cards 2 (new - stand alone expansion) are now released and available. A huge thank you to you for your; support pre ordering during the launch period, attending my online launch and purchasing afterwards. If you haven’t ordered yet, you can on the link below.
CARD READING CLUB - our next online session will take place on Fri 14th April and is focused around our theme: Balance in the Heart. You can find out more details on the link below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - our next online art class / art therapy session / deep healing event will also be taking place on Fri 14th April. Our theme is ‘Nature and Nurture’. I look forward to exploring this with you. If you’d LOVE to participate, the details are below.
CERAMICS - I now have a functioning kiln and ceramics studio. My first glaze firing here will be within the next week or two. I intend on opening for; open studios, gallery sales, pottery and art classes, art workshops etc in Sept / Oct.
TEMPLE OF BALANCE celebrates 20yrs - Date Keeper - Feb 2025 - in Tasmania, Australia and some online celebrations. Stay tuned for details on in person events, gatherings, exhibitions and other celebrations.
May your April be cooperative and smooth flowing,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website - (Healing Energy Cards, online art class, and card reading club are here on the home page).
Ceramics website -
Lee-Anne Peters Facebook page -
Healing Energy Cards Facebook page -
Pillar of Light Family -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -