Message for August - sent with LOVE

It’ August!!
Wow, we are flying through 2020… entering into this New Year many of us sensed that this would be a year of moving deeper into 2020 vision. Although there are still more months to come, there has been a strong emphasis around what we are seeing, observing and witnessing - and how unusual, new and out of the norm everything seems to be. At times it can seem as if we are living in some sort of surreal dream.
In this message today I will pull some cards for each week during August. After the card sharing I’ll cover a few things happening at Temple of Balance. Thanks for reading and connecting. I trust this supports you at this time.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
July has been a bit of a quick and tangled month. Many of us had to drag ourselves out of rut energy and find ways to revive ourselves. We faced our fear and are continuing to do our best to become familiar with unfamiliar situations. Some of us are dealing with a pounding ‘stop start’ energy, which can be difficult to manage - especially if we are being uncooperative. Cooperation has certainly been a big theme for July.
I’ve laid out my cards for August - let’s see what they say. Please remember this is a guide only. Keep an eye out on my facebook pages, and YouTube channel for regular cards throughout this month. Links can be found below.
I see that many of us are starting August feeling optimistic, joyful and ready to embark on (or plan) new adventures for ourselves. We’re being encouraged to take a risk and follow our heart this week. There is much transformation, simplicity and joy present.
During the second week of August there is a strong force of energy reminding us to ensure our boundaries are clear and secure. We may need to look beyond the surface this week too, as surface energy and ‘how things appear’ may be distorted. We’re being reminded to come out of hiding and ensure clear and unwavering authenticity.
Things settle a bit during week three of August as we are reminded just how supported we are. We can reassure ourselves of that support and be grateful for the support we do have. Our routine and how we spend our time may require attention and adjustment this week - as we make time for nature, grounding and calm time. In general things feel supportive and settled - as long as we are not ‘overbooked’ time wise.
The last week of August again brings highlight to our cooperation - and we may find it helpful, in many of our situations, to find a way to be cooperative. To be uncooperative is to go against what may be best for us, our life or those we care for. To be uncooperative is to go against the instinctual needs of our body. Let’s see how we can ‘work with’ the energy this week.
Our theme energy for August is one of purging and clearing out, as well as nature time. We’re being encouraged to let things go which have been holding us back and that we are ready to untangle from. We’re also being encouraged to spend good quality time in nature to heal, take a break and listen to the flurry of life that is present. There is much that nature can teach us this month - if we are only willing to listen and observe.
For more current energy updates throughout August, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
I am hosting our next (fourth) 12hr Healing Event Journey on Thursday the 13th of August. This is themed around - The Dragon Rises, and will include an array of focuses, healing times, thoughts and sharing during the designated 12hr period. All connections are made via video. You do not have to join for the exact 12hrs - in truth this is my job. You can join in as convienient to you anytime thereafter. If you would LOVE to dive deeply into your healing time with me, you can learn more via the link below.
Regular support videos on my Temple of Balance Facebook page. The most popular one for July was: my 7:7 Healing Event and Intuition - synchronicity - timing - self love recorded on the 14th of July. Direct link to this video and others can be found below.
Ceramic Update: I am in the final couple of weeks of this current making phase. My plan is to have my kiln on and current works complete in mid to late August.
I’ve recently released on my websites; a new peacock drum, new crystal pendants, porcelain earrings and talismans, ceramic sculptures and smudge bowls.
Keep an eye on my social media networks for daily updates, cards, work in progress and support. You’ll find Temple of Balance on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube mainly.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your regular support.
May your August be cooperative and filled with good quality moments.
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website -
Ceramics website -
Pillar of Light Family -
12hr Healing Event - The Dragon Rises -
Facebook support videos -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -