Message for December - sent with LOVE

Happy December!!
What a year of acceleration, healing and life changing events we’ve had. For many of us - this has been one of the biggest years of our life.
In this email you’ll find my predictions for the month ahead, and then a few things we have going on here at the moment.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
November has been a big month of breakthrough, walking through our shadows and completion. We’re not ending the month as the same person we were when the month started. In many ways we, as individuals, and our life, have been under a dramatic transformation period. Some days are tough to get through, others are in high-flying flow. Getting through our day as gently as we can has been a big lifeline for us.
Let’s look ahead now into December. I’ve laid out some cards for this time period. Remember this is a guide only.
During the first week of December we see something we’ve been working on manifest and come to fruition - this will give us some certainty and confidence moving forward into a more purposeful phase of our life. It’s important for us to remember that we are not walking our path alone this week - let’s notice the support helping us move through any challenges.
During the second week of this month we’re being reminded to do the right thing, be stern, sure and honest in all of our interactions. Sometimes the right thing to do is not what we want to do - so this may be important to keep in mind. This week we may need to ask for help - so let’s step up and ask for assistance if required.
The third week of December shows that we are potentially in a space of transition - where we are still in between change. We are closing old doors, working out our new schedule and way of living - and this can be a little unsettling. Many of us will have the ability to leap forward this week - as there is much movement present.
The last week of the decade highlights new beginnings. We may be inspired to take a risk and follow our heart into the unknown. As strong as the new beginnings are this week - there is also a nice stable and calming energy sweeping through. Many of us may feel quite content and focused this week as we tie up loose ends, focus on new beginnings and spend time in nature.
The theme for December focuses around our intuition and developing our psychic skills. We can trust in our intuition and where it is leading us in our life. This will likely be a month of action, development, progress, movement and improvement. Let’s notice when the green light turns on - and make our move. When the red light is on - it’s okay, we can use this time to focus elsewhere for now.
If you enjoy my energy you may like to become a part of my Pillar of Light Membership. If you’d LOVE to learn more, please see the link below.
Ceramics Update: Now, after almost nine months since the fire, my ceramics rebuild is complete, power is restored and my kiln has been turned on four times so far. I am currently in a testing and developing phase on the kiln / glaze / decorating front. I will be launching my new ceramics dedicated website in the coming weeks when I am ready. If you’re interested in when this will be - I will email out when this is announced. You can follow this process on Instagram and Facebook dedicated ceramics links below.
Our next Tasmania Healing Retreat is only a few months away now. If you would LOVE to claim one of the last spaces we have available, you can browse the link below and reach out if you’d like to come along for this life-changing healing week.
Thank you for your support throughout November.
I trust your December is calm, healthy and in good flow.
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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Pillar of Light Family -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -
Lee-Anne Peters Ceramics Insta: - FB:
Tasmania Healing Retreat -