Message for December - sent with LOVE

Hello December!!
What a year 2020 has been… one where we sure have been given our 2020 vision, and have observed some pretty life-changing and powerful times this year. Walking through this year with closed vision may not have served us well. We’ve been cracked wide open during this massive initiation time.
Welcome to my December message, I trust it finds you well and some of its contents resonate with you.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
November sped by and has been an eye-opener for truth, as well as deceit. We’ve dropped deeply into our healing, recentered ourselves and have had to make a lot of adjustments this month. November has felt like we’ve walked in and out of train tunnels. One moment the lights go out - so we try and find the way out, and the next moment the lights turn on and all feels good.
To help us move into the new month, I’ve laid out my cards for December - let’s see what they say. Please remember this is a guide only. Keep an eye out on my facebook pages, and YouTube channel for regular cards throughout this month. Links can be found below.
Starting off December we may feel an urge to put things into order, especially paperwork and things we’ve had on our to-do list (or must-do list) for a while. Let’s make sure that we do the right thing - and we may feel fixed, inflexible and stubborn this week.
The second week of December reminds us to stay optimistic and keep our heart open to potentials. We may feel a little fed up or wonder if something we’ve been working towards will work out favourably. This is not the week to give up - even though we may feel we want to.
During the third week of this month we’re being encouraged to follow a pace that works for us and the feeling of our body. This is a good week to practice our spiritual interests and find our own spiritual guidance.
The last week of December brings through a surge of assertiveness as we’re being prompted to stand our ground and find courage to speak up (if required). Our prayers for improvement have been heard and soon we will start seeing the results of these requests. Improvement is underlying this week.
Our theme for December is to take a risk and follow our heart. New beginnings are underlying and may be behind most of our incentives and actions (and thoughts) this month. We’re being encouraged to take each day as it comes, and use our gratitude for the new day to help us expand our horizons, see other options and ensure we are seeing things objectively.
For more current energy updates throughout December, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
Today I announced our first Patreon Solstice Gathering. This will be a one-off zoom live event for active Pillar of Light Members and Temple of Balance Patreons. It takes place on the 21 Dec (time zone may vary) and I invite those of you in attendance to bring your oracle cards, as I will share with you a new New Year spread we can do together. Everyone who attends is also encouraged to join us with live video so we can see each other. I want to do these every six months - if it is well received. To join in, please ensure you are an active Patron or Pillar of Light Member this month - see links below. I will send log in details and password to the zoom gathering a few days before the event via email.
Keep an eye out for my weekly card reading videos every Monday and supportive healing videos throughout the week (on my Facebook page mainly).
Ceramic Update: I am in the early stages of a new making cycle, and hope to have my next firing happen in 4-6 weeks. In the meantime there are new Garden Wizards and pieces on my ceramics website now.
Today I released a new group of crystal pendants - with a green, minty and white theme. While making them I was really drawn to greens, leaves and nature energies. Please see link to the pendants below.
Keep an eye on my social media networks for daily updates, cards, work in progress and support. You’ll find Temple of Balance on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube mainly.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your regular support.
May your December be peaceful, healthy and happy.
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website -
Ceramics website -
Pillar of Light Family -
Facebook support videos -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -
New Crystal Pendants -