Message for February - sent with LOVE

It’s February - so I bring to you my message for this new month.
I trust this email finds you and your family happy and well, and if not, I send you waves of love and strength to help you through this time. I trust you find some comfort and support within this.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
Well January has been quite the rollercoaster month on many levels - but especially emotionally and within some unstable, and perhaps unhealthy relationships. There have been many clashes throughout January, however there have also been many beautiful moments, reconciliations and reconnections. At times we may have felt that we were trying to sail through the oceans of life - with no sail up to catch the wind. When we managed to find the storage compartment that contained the sail, it was ripped and we had to drop everything to repair, create or to be of assistance.
To help us move into the this new month, I’ve laid out my cards for February - let’s see what they say. Please remember this is a guide only. Keep an eye out on my facebook pages, and YouTube channel for regular cards throughout this month. Links can be found below.
The first week of February is a favourable time for serious relationship decisions and to work out whether both parties are willing to put effort in to it. This will also be an important time not to over-think things, or dwell on the nitty gritty details - instead we can focus on the bigger picture.
The second week of this month is potentially uplifting as we take action on upgrading a part of our life. Relationships move to a potential new level of intimacy - and gatherings may be important to help clear any tension or reconcile if required.
The third week of February brings a heightened feeling of awareness and a desire to seek clarity around a situation we are unclear or confused about. Once we have found clarity, we’re encouraged to hold true to our position and the direction we intend to go.
The final week of February is potentially a favourable, uplifting and joyful time. The flow feels to have the best and most supportive potential for the entire month. And there is motivation, excitement and a general giddiness for life this week.
Our theme for February inspires us to leap over obstacles. We may find that obstacles or setbacks stop us for a short time, and then we find a way to travel over, through or around them. There is a feeling of swiftness and a lot of movement in the air for February. Some of us may feel inspired to take a risk and try something new - with a motivation to embrace new beginnings this month.
For more current energy updates throughout February, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
Coming up: 12hr Healing Event - theme: HEART - Thurs 4th Feb. Join in as it happens or later at a more suitable time for you. More info on the link below.
Coming up: Online Art Class - Intuitive Art Session - no experience necessary. Takes please on Saturday 27th February - 2hr - 4hr session live on zoom. Link to register and for details is below.
Keep an eye out for my weekly card reading videos every Monday and supportive healing videos throughout the week (on my Facebook page mainly).
Ceramic Update: I have just unloaded my kiln, and will have new pieces on the website over the coming few days.
Tasmanians: I will be offering Spirit Guide Drawings in person, and will have a Temple of Balance stall at the ‘New Age Festival’ - Coming up on the weekend of the 13 & 14 of Feb. Held at the ‘Old Woolstore’ in Hobart.
Healing Energy Cards update: I’m slowly and steadily getting together new illustrations and guidance around my Healing Energy Cards. This is a big project and overhaul, so the cards may not be printed until later in 2021. Follow my ‘Healing Energy Cards’ Facebook page for updates.
Keep an eye on my social media networks for daily updates, cards, work in progress and support. You’ll find Temple of Balance on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube mainly.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your regular support.
May your February be full of obstacle crushing and new beginnings,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website -
Ceramics website -
Pillar of Light Family -
Online Art Class -
12hr Healing Event -
Facebook support videos -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -