Message for February - sent with LOVE

Welcome to February!
I trust your start to the New Year has been successful, healthy and supportive.
This message comes to you around the beginning of each month with some updates and what’s happening at Temple of Balance, and I also pull some cards for each week - that you can refer back to if you’re so inclined.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
January has been the month of purging, decluttering and refocusing on what is truly important - in the bigger picture / grand scheme of things. Many of us seem to be preparing for something - so the decluttering is helping make new ‘space’ or ‘room’ in our lives for the new to enter. Let’s see where the energies and our choices take us! Exciting prospects lay ahead.
I have laid out some cards for February - let’s see what they say…
The first week of February highlights the need for some of us to get things into order - especially paperwork. We are tying up loose ends. Why? Because many of us are being called into a new direction!
Week two of this month shows that we may need to balance our need to stand our ground and be assertive, with being empathetic and understanding from a heart perspective. If we are too assertive - we may start to ‘take over’, however if we are too ‘empathic’ and we neglect our own health and needs too much, then we may become a ‘door mat’. Finding a balance and setting good boundaries between power and heart may be helpful.
In the third week of February there is a highlight around our talents, skills, gifts and artistic endeavors. We may feel a sense of personal recognition for what we have achieved or overcome. Some of us may be called to take our hobby to the next level.
During the last week of this month we’re being encouraged to consider making a commitment. This may be a commitment to a long-term goal or plan, a change, a new relationship, or deepening an existing relationship, or perhaps a personal commitment we make to ourselves. There is new energy that wants to come in, but it can only do so if we are ready to seriously commit now!
The theme for February is focused around the healing and time our body needs to heal and mend. For some of us, and in some instances, our body’s health will be top priority. There is also a lot of joy, upliftment and motivation present for this month. So it will likely be a great time to sing our heart song, take action, be optimistic, make a change or try something new.
If you’d LOVE me to do a video reading for you for the upcoming month ahead (March), please have a look on my patreon website - link below.
For more current energy updates throughout February, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
NEW CARDS UPDATE - Healing Energy Cards (original) and Healing Energy Cards 2 (new - stand alone expansion): All is on track. Adjustments and refinements are being made. Estimated release is mid this year (not guaranteed, but is the aim, for now).
CARD READING CLUB - This started last month and was a lot of fun. We continue…. Next Card Reading Club session is on Fri 18th Feb (9am-10am - Sydney time). Bring your cards and let’s have some fun, and learn as we go. Discount for members. Link to join is below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - The next art class is coming up on Fri 18th Feb (5-7pm - Sydney time). We’ll be diving into the chakras for the next 7 x classes, starting with the base (ground / physicality / survival) this month. Discount for members. Deets below.
CLEARANCE SALE - This month we will be reducing prices on physical items at Temple of Balance (store - then sale tab), and Lee-Anne Peters (ceramics) - (store - then clearance items tab). It will likely start in a week or so.
CERAMICS - I am currently making things for an upcoming solo exhibition starting in May at the Wilderness Gallery, Cradle Mountain, Tasmania.
TEMPLE OF BALANCE 17th BIRTHDAY - I started Temple of Balance on the 25th Feb 2005 and I can’t believe it that all still exists now after 17yrs. I will be sharing personal stories, my journey and other things this month in celebration.
Thank you for helping me and Temple of Balance still exist here. I am very very grateful and don’t take any of you for granted. For as long as you’re called to stay and be here, then wow! I am grateful. I also understand that we all grow and change, and it is likely that your time will come, to fly from here in the future - upon which I will always let you go with LOVE.
While you’re here - THANK YOU! And if you used to be here over this past 17yrs, then also THANK YOU!
Temple of Balance still exists because of people like you now, and from the past!
Happy Birthday Temple of Balance!
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website -
Ceramics website -
Pillar of Light Family -
Card Reading Club -
Online Art Class -
Ceramics dedicated newsletter (monthly) - (option 5).
Temple of Balance on Patreon -