Message for January - sent with LOVE

Happy New Year!!
Thank you for your support, commitment and welcoming of my resources, creations and thoughts in 2020. You’ve helped us be able to be here for another year. A few years ago, when support was dry, I made a deal with the Universe - a serious deal - that if the time comes when my work is not needed - aka not supported, then I will focus elsewhere. I still hold true to that word, so while your support is there I can keep doing this work - a deep heart-felt thank you - for I LOVE sharing with you through the various ways I do.
Welcome to my January 2021 message, I trust it finds you well and some of its content resonates with you.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
December was probably the fastest and one of the most impactful months of the year for many of us. There were energetic explosions, changes and it felt at times as if the ground was crumbling out from under us. The cards we’d laid out nicely throughout the year were tossed in the air and suddenly we didn’t know where we stood or how things would turn out. While all this was going on, there has been another group of us holding centre and feeling great things brewing through our ideas, inspirations and dreams. In some ways we’ve either been within the ‘eye of the storm’, in the storm itself or going back and forth from centre to the storm.
To help us move into the new month and new year, I’ve laid out my cards for January - let’s see what they say. Please remember this is a guide only. Keep an eye out on my facebook pages, and YouTube channel for regular cards throughout this month. Links can be found below.
The first week of January brings highlight around meetings and gatherings with people of like-mind or common interest. This will be an opportunity to step into our role as a leader. This week feels supportive to clear our private / inner issues and bring more of ourselves out of hiding / holding back.
There is much movement and potential coming forth for week two in January. The sun energy is strong, and may help influence our attitude in ‘taking one day at a time’ or making a daily commitment to improve around of our life. We have the option this week to allow the sun to rise up on new parts of our life. And the energy is supportive to help us to parts of our life to the next level!
During week three of this month we’re being encouraged to find a way to carve a new path out for ourselves. We may find that we have the energy and motivation to do this. Some of us may feel sluggish and slow this week as we sit in our survival power and remind ourselves what we have overcome in the past.
The last week of January brings highlight to our health and the state of our physical body. We’re being encouraged to stay optimistic about our health and be careful we don’t jump to premature conclusions without the facts or all of the information. This is a great week for physical healing, cleansing and sorting out parts of our life.
The theme energy for January is focused around simplicity and joy. We’re being reminded not to overcomplicate matters. We may need a mental break to be able to see how we feel and what is going on under the surface - beyond how things appear or seem in our life. This feels to be a great month to put our negative thoughts and unsupportive thoughts into check.
For more current energy updates throughout January, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
Thank you to all who attended our first Solstice Zoom Gathering - it was loads of fun!
Coming up: Online Art Class - Intuitive Art Session - no experience necessary. Takes please on Saturday 9th January - 2hr session live on zoom. Link to register and for details is below.
Keep an eye out for my weekly card reading videos every Monday and supportive healing videos throughout the week (on my Facebook page mainly).
Ceramic Update: I have recently finished a making phase - new ceramics on the link below.
Healing Energy Cards update: My popular Healing Energy Cards are now sold out. I am now working on refining most of the illustrations - because I can now do better with them - and I am working on my brand new Healing Energy Cards 2. They are intended to be printed later in 2021 - all going well world-wise. Keep updated on new illustrations, refinement and updates on my ‘Healing Energy Cards’ facebook page.
Keep an eye on my social media networks for daily updates, cards, work in progress and support. You’ll find Temple of Balance on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube mainly.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your regular support.
May your January be smooth, focused and inspiring,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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