Message for January - sent with LOVE

Happy 2022!
I know I am a little late, however, wishing you and your family a happy, safe and healthy New Year!
I trust you find this little monthly message helpful and supportive for you.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
December found many of us completing tasks, tying up loose ends and celebrating the rewards and fruits of our labour and hard work. The personal achievement and overcoming of quite big challenges revealed a lot to us about ourselves this month. Then some of us fell into a void - a time of reset and recovery to settle from where we had walked from, and redirect ourselves towards where we are going - or figuring out where we are going now. There were many surprises in December.
I have laid out some cards for January - let’s see what they say…
The first week of the year brings highlight to the commitments we are now ready to consider and make. This is likely a solo commitment - like breaking a habit, shifting our negative attitude or behaviour, starting something new, taking a relationship to the next level etc. It is likely that we will feel very deeply about our need to make a commitment.
The second week of January highlights LOVE, relationships and being on the same page as another person. All relationships require effort and cooperation - and these are emphasized this week.
During the third week of January our boundaries and ensuring that we are not giving our power away will be important. Some of us may feel sensitive this week.. This is where our boundaries may need to be strong and in some cases fierce to ensure we are not taking things too personally, or being taken advantage of.
The last week of January brings with it new energy that is yet to take form. It may show up in our life as ideas, inspiration, a need to write or make lists, and a deep underneath desire to purge ourselves to prepare for the new that will soon come into our life.
The theme energy for January shows that there is good luck present this month. So it may be a great time to start something new, take a risk and follow our heart. Some of us may feel like we’re in transition in January - with one foot in one world, and the other in another world. Some things may make good sense, and other things make no sense. This is a period of being ‘in between change’ and this unsettled energy is always a temporary state.
For more current energy updates throughout January, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
Healing Energy Cards Update: All is on track. Adjustments and refinements are being made. Estimated release is mid this year.
NEW - Card Reading Club - online. 21 Jan. The aim of this is to come together for learning, support and practice for personal card reading needs or professional. Our first session runs for 60mins, is recorded, and will be focused around ‘interpretation’. See link below to register.
NEW - 2022 Online Art Class. 21 Jan. Theme: Shadow. These are fantastic healing spaces to explore through conversation and creativity. These are private, and recorded for attendees only. See link to this below.
NEW - crystal pendants were released last week. You can browse them on my website.
CERAMICS - I am currently working on my 2021 Garden Wizard collection. Some will be coming in the next week or so, and more to follow. I’m also working on some new ideas, which I will share with you soon.
Thank you very much for supporting my work and being interested in what I have to say and share. I know my personality is quite old-fashioned and goes against the current grain of society, so your being here means more to me than ever.
I’m interested in promoting love, self empowerment, balance and happy living. I am not interested in promoting fear, confusion, separation or things that make no sense.
Happy New Year!
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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Pillar of Light Family -
Card Reading Club -
Online Art Class -
Ceramics dedicated newsletter (monthly) - (option 5).
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