Message for July - sent with LOVE

Welcome to July!
I trust this little message finds you safe and well. If you’ve been struggling, then I trust you feel a little support and calm from this note to you.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
June, like this whole year, has been a huge. Many of us have been amidst a monumental reality shift, which has brought deep life changes, but also changes to our structures, way of life and who we thought we were. The world seems to have become ‘madder’ by the day, so we’ve had to stay attuned and focused to the things that really matter - as not to be distracted by the outer dramas. We’ve been forced to, but also chosen to make big choices in June - which will alter the course of our life.
I’ve laid out my cards for July - let’s see what they say. Please remember this is a guide only. Keep an eye out on my facebook pages, and YouTube channel for regular cards throughout this month. Links can be found below.
The first week in July feels to contain much heart opening and breakthrough. Some of us will make time for our self care, assessing the state of our body, emotional and mental health, and take the gentle steps required to find our new state of balance. There is strong heart action, but also gentle rest present this week.
Week two of July entices us out of hiding - out of the cave we have been processing, healing and grieving in. There is a potential for things to stack up and feel overwhelming this week - so let’s do our best to create a simple and doable plan and let things flow as best as we can.
The third week of July highlights a celebration - perhaps an achievement or milestone reached, however it is also a week of being on pause or in limbo. We may feel a bit withdrawn from the world this week, and we’re being encouraged to take this waiting time to heal and release our expectations of our future.
The last week of this month shows us that things may not be as they seem, and we’re being encouraged to look deeper - past the surface. To look deeper may bring highlight to our vulnerability; however it is in those deep inner oceans where we will find our truth. There is a potential reconnection occurring this week - as we plug back into things we’d become disconnected from.
The theme for July is duality - as this is playing out within every card for this month. We may need to be on guard a little more than usual as outer drama heats up and tensions tighten. This is a time though to step more securely into our own heart and make a personal commitment and dedication to our life and how we can apply the changes we want to see. Let’s not lose sight of ourselves, our past, our future and especially our authenticity.
For more current energy updates throughout July, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
Regular support videos on my Temple of Balance Facebook page. The most popular one for June was: Solstice prep - endings - transitions - birthing - expression - emotion - balance. Live streamed on 20 June. Direct link to this video and others can be found below.
I am in the process of glazing and preparing new wares for a kiln firing by this weekend. New ceramic creations should be released early next week on my ceramics website (see below).
There is a new drum (dolphin) on my website, as well as new crystal pendants released a couple of days ago. I am now offering Online Art Sessions (available only until 1 Sept), and there is a new Art Tutorial set of videos and new card reading spreads shared. Let me know if you can’t find something.
Keep an eye on my social media networks for daily updates, cards, work in progress and support. You’ll find Temple of Balance on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube mainly.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your regular support.
May your journey through July be balanced, secure and inspiring,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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Pillar of Light Family -
Facebook support videos -
Ceramics website -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -