Message for June 2017


I trust this message for June finds you happy and well. If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please signup here: (option 2).

May - for many of us was bloated and very full, we’ve been learning from our recent lessons and making new choices to live more in alignment with our truth.

I’ve pulled some cards to help support and give us direction for the new month of June - so let’s see (this is a guide only):

During the first week in June we may be drawn, more than usual, outside and into nature to listen to her sweet chorus of sound and song. Communications will also be important as we trust in the words we need to say and deliver them as clearly and honestly as we can.

When we reach week two of June we may need to step back into our private space to heal, reassess and to help us know how to concentrate and focus so we’re not pulled into the chaos and drama of the world. This week also brings opening pathways and new beginnings - starting of new things.

In week three we may need to take a serious look at our boundaries and make some adjustments if needed. Let’s find the courage to say ‘no’ if required, and perhaps also the courage to say ‘yes’ if needed. The energy will likely be quite settling this week as we enjoy some time of calm.

The final week of June brings forth a time of celebration and moving to the next level in our life. LOVE, passion and our relationships will be important as we learn new ways of living, loving and being.

The overall theme for June is much joy, motivation and connecting with our heart and what we truly want in our life. We’ll be gathering resources, tools and information to help set us free. Saving coins so we can follow our dreams - collecting information so we can live our passions - these sorts of things will be predominant throughout the month.

Stay up-to-date with the current energy as it happens via my Current Energy Reports, coming to you twice weekly throughout June. You can enjoy these by becoming a Pillar of Light Family Member - please see the link below if you’re inspired to.

Thank you to our Temple of Balance Patrons for your ongoing support. I look forward to creating and sending out your rewards early next week.

Our next Distant Healing Event - live video stream - is happening on Tuesday the 6:6 (6th of June). It takes place on my Temple of Balance Facebook page. Take a peak in the ‘events tab’ for the time and information.

I am currently dedicated to writing in my next book called - The Alchemist - it is part four of my Ascension Mastery Series. Once the first draft writing has been completed, then I start the refining, editing and draft two of the book. All is going well at this stage for the scheduled release in September. My next publication focus after that is the Animal Kingdom Oracle cards.

Have a beautiful journey through June,

All my LOVE,

Lee-Anne Peters


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