Message for March 2020

It’s March 2020!
Welcome to the new month - and we were treated to an extra day in February this year, which is pretty special.
In this email you’ll find my predictions for the month ahead, and then a few things we have going on at Temple of Balance.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
February took us be surprise as we faced illusion, negativity and even accusations which in our heart we knew not to be true. We’ve had to learn how to deal with brand new situations, had to stand in our power and truth, and just keep going last month.
I’ve laid out my cards for March - let’s see what they say. Please remember this is a guide only. Keep an eye out on my facebook pages, and YouTube channel for regular cards throughout the month. Links can be found below.
The first week of March reminds us to keep our heart open - even if it means we feel raw, fragile or exposed. Wearing our heart on our sleeve this week may be more therapeutic than we might think. We’re also encouraged to put things into order this week as we tie up loose dangling ends in our life.
The second week of March brings further extension of our open heart - during the first parts of the month, as we are encouraged to feel as deeply as we can. Many of us are awash with unexpressed and repressed emotions - there is no place to go with this now but inward so we can heal, grieve and tap into new parts of ourselves.
By the third week of March the heightened emotional energy will likely shift into a motivation for change, closing old doors and allowing space for new doors to open in our life. We’re encouraged to focus on our strengths moving forward. This week brings much action and movement.
The last week of March may see us question whether we are on track or not. Some personal and private issues may rear their head up in our life, and we can use this as an opportunity now to break down those old walls and defenses we’ve long hid behind. It’s time to take steps to get back into alignment with our purpose.
The general theme for March sees us still going through a time of transition - when we are moving out of old ways and building our confidence with the new ways. We’re encouraged to reclaim our position as leader in our life. Not leader of the world, or even of others, but as the best council, decision-maker and action-taker for ourselves. Others may be trying to push us out as a leader, and they may want to see us stop what we’re doing so they can take over. As we question such things this month we will ultimately see that we need to assert authentic authority in our own life and not be taken for a fool.
For more current energy updates as they come, and in detail each week, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
I’m working on filling my ceramics kiln this month and intend to have some new wares coming by the end of March. Please see ceramics link below.
Thank you to all who attended our 2020 Tasmania Healing Retreat. It was packed with powerful and healing moments. At this stage we are not sure if there will be another in 2021 - if there will be, details will be out by May 2020.
Keep an eye on my social media networks for daily updates, cards, work in progress and support. You’ll find Temple of Balance on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube mainly.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your regular support.
I trust your month flows well and you and your family enjoy good health.
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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