Message for March - sent with LOVE

March has rolled in….big greetings to you!
I trust this little message finds you and your family well, and if not, sending you and them all my LOVE.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
February sped by like a high-speed rocket! This pace fuelled our high-productivity, being well-organised, and for most of the month many of us felt like we were sailing with the wind. Towards the end of the month however, the wind left our sails, changes occurred, our reality shifted and suddenly, at the beginning of March we find ourselves in a different position and perhaps even looking down a completely different path.
Let’s lay out some cards now for March. Please remember this is a guide only. Keep an eye out on my facebook pages, and YouTube channel for regular cards throughout this month. Links can be found below.
The first week of this month brings highlight to a scattered and chaotic energy moving in. We may find conflict between our head and our heart. Let’s stay focused on a doable and simple daily plan to help us see this through. We have a lot of support around us, especially this week.
The second week of March sees the scattered energy beginning to move, and serious personal progress is likely. This will be a great week to focus on our craft and interests, and if we want to take those, or any skills we have to the next level, let’s consider or act on that.
Week three of March is a potentially heightened week. We will likely feel motivated, organized and ready to take parts of our life to the next level. This is a great week to focus, upgrade and revive ourselves.
The final week of this month brings with it celebration. We have cause to celebrate a personal milestone or victory. This achievement will help us move to a new level of self acceptance and ignite the revaluing of our efforts and success.
The theme for March is about improvement, asking for help and taking the pressure off ourselves. Things are improving, and it’s probably going to be really important to remind ourselves that our early-in-the-month confusion and uncertainty is temporary. Let’s stay organized and reduce the pressure of things we might be struggling to cope with.
For more current energy updates throughout March, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
Coming up: my next Online Art Class will likely happen on the 10th of April. I will announce details about this in 1-2 weeks, and next month there will be a link with info and to join in if you like.
Keep an eye out for my weekly card reading videos every Monday and supportive healing videos throughout the week (on my Facebook page mainly).
Ceramic Update: I have just unloaded my kiln, and will have new pieces on the website over the coming few days.
I have had Art Talismans available for a few years, however recently I have created some out of my newer artwork. There are some of these available now, and a big batch of dragons, wolf, horse etc that I am working on currently. They should be available by the end of this week. The link to explore these is below.
Healing Energy Cards update: I’m continuing to focus on the new artworks, design etc for my Healing Energy Cards upgrade when I can. Our online Art Classes are specifically focused around re-illustrating some of these cards. It’s a big project that will not happen overnight. Small steps are being made which will see this project manifest when the time is right. Stay updated on my ‘Healing Energy Cards’ facebook page.
Keep an eye on my social media networks for daily updates, cards, work in progress and support. You’ll find Temple of Balance on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube mainly.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your ongoing support.
May your March see progress, improvement and support,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
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Art Talismans -
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