Message for March - sent with LOVE

Hello March!
We’re into the year now, how have the first couple of months been for you?
I bring this message to you around the beginning of each month with some updates and what’s happening at Temple of Balance. I also pull some cards for each week in March below.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
February has been full of further decluttering, movement, acceleration, but at the same time other areas feel slow and our patience may be tested. Many of us are on a journey towards our new life - which includes ‘new self’. In fact, for some of us the outside might not be changing much, but we certainly are. We’ve been testing and challenging ourselves quite deeply in recent weeks.
I have laid out some cards for March- let’s see what they say…
During the first week of this month we continue our lengthy process of clearing, purging and decluttering. This is especially helpful to do if we find ourselves still in limbo and something is on hold right now.
The second week of March is jam-packed. There will likely be private time required so we can reassess ourselves and our life’s path. This will bring with it much pondering about what to do next, with a decision likely needing to be made - this is all connected with important changes happening in our life. Also, this week brings highlight to a process that will likely take the next few months, and if things get too much for us during that time, we’re being encouraged to take a break to help us see the situation from another perspective.
The third week of March is a likely a paradox week with a need for rest, slowness and waiting, to feeling excited, motivated and light at other times in our movements.
The final week of March is likely to also be intense and busy. There will likely be a surprise occurrence that is worth celebrating as it is the catalyst to take us to the next level. Let’s remember to look under the surface too this week by reading the fine print and seeking further information if needed - especially around our health.
The theme for March is an answered prayer - especially one to do with improvement. There is energy swirling into and sitting closely in the heart this month - with a big focus for us on feeling peace and contentment in our life.
If you’d LOVE me to do a video reading for you for the upcoming month ahead (April), please have a look on my patreon website - link below.
For more current energy updates throughout March, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
HEALING ENERGY CARDS UPDATE - Healing Energy Cards (original) and Healing Energy Cards 2 (new - stand alone expansion): All is on track. Adjustments and refinements are being made. Now we wait for progress around our own personal changes occurring over these next few months. The deck’s release will also be based on the world situation. At this stage, the release is more likely to be after September.
CARD READING CLUB - Our next session is on the 18th March, and will be focused around ‘Anchor cards for accuracy.’ See the link to register and join in live below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - The next art class is coming up later on Fri 18th March, and is focused around the Sacral Chakra (centre for emotional, sexual and creative energies). Link to register is below.
CERAMICS - I am currently making things for an upcoming solo exhibition starting in May at the Wilderness Gallery, Cradle Mountain, Tasmania.
TEMPLE OF BALANCE 17th BIRTHDAY - Thank you to everyone who supported our Temple of Balance birthday benefits last month.
Thank you for reading and connecting <3
Wishing you a wonderful month ahead,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website -
Ceramics website -
Pillar of Light Family -
Card Reading Club -
Online Art Class -
Ceramics dedicated newsletter (monthly) - (option 5).
Temple of Balance on Patreon -
I’m so thankful for the inspiration you send out. After 22 years missing my grandson was found yesterday. I am so thankful
Thank you for such inspiration. My grandson who has been missing for 22 years was found yesterday. I’m so thankful