Message for March - sent with LOVE

Welcome to March,
Firstly, my sincere apologies. I just realized that I didn’t send a newsletter out for February. I am surprised as I sincerely thought I had.
I trust you find something helpful and supportive from this little message to you.
Below you will find my messages for this month ahead and some things that are happening at Temple of Balance.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
February has been a jam-packed and transformative month for many of us. How we started the month is not likely how we finished it, and there may have been quite a few surprises thrown in there that we didn’t plan on doing. There’s been a strong playful and connective energy woven throughout the month. If we can harness this it may help support us spiritually, creatively and purposefully.
I have laid out some cards for January - let’s see what they say…
The first week of March may see us needing to be quite attentive to our balance through reflection and personal reconnection to the aspects of our life, our relationships and ourselves that we may have neglected lately. This is a great week to look at things differently.
Private issues may surface for us during the second week of March. This may well be an opportunity for us to look more seriously at our flaws and do something about changing them in our physical body and life.
This will likely be a huge week for many of us as the equinox highlights a three month duration and focus on new beginnings and taking new risks in our life. We may be looking closely at our schedule and routine this week, and make some adjustments as needed. The watery energy is strong.
The final week of March sees answered prayers and a renewed motivation and determination to find a way to carve out this new path for ourselves. Improvement may come if we can set a clear intention and then back this up with focused action.
The theme energy highlights us stepping up into the role of a leader in our life. It is time for us to drop the small thoughts we have about ourselves and proceed. There is bold and confident communication present this month. It may only be ourselves holding us back.
For more current energy updates weekly throughout March you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
CLAY WORKSHOP in Tasmania – October 2025 – Make a personalize Keepsake Jar over 4 x days. This workshop is now accepting expressions of interest. Please email.
CARD READING CLUB - our next online session will take place on Thu 20th March and is focused around our theme: ‘Stepping Out. You can find out more details on the link below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - our next online art class will be on Fri 21st March. We finalise the Birthing 2025 series – our theme for this session is ‘Dedication’. Details on this below.
HARMONY ON HIGH STREET – Campbell Town, Tasmania. Cory and I have opened a Gallery & Art Hub in our local town. If you plan to visit Tasmania – please keep us in mind. At this stage, our commitment is only until the end of 2025, and we will see what happens to determine whether we continue. Stay updated with items, activities and events on our Facebook page here:
Have a wonderful transformative month as we move in between seasons now,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website - (Healing Energy Cards, online art class, and card reading club, are here on the home page).
Ceramics website -