Message for May - sent with LOVE

It’s almost May and we are welcomed into this new month.
I trust you are feeling well and are in a good state as you read this message. If you aren’t then I sincerely hope you receive some support and assistance from reading this.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
April has sped by at an extremely fast rate. It has been jam-packed with activities, but also with old doors closing and new doors opening. How we started April is likely much different to how we are finishing April. There has been a switch of eras taking place - as old energy moved out, and new energy moved in. The new is likely still moving in at this time, as dates are set, things get organized and some of us are in the ‘waiting’ - or better yet ‘preparation’ stage.
I know it’s early, but I have laid out some cards for May, let’s see what they say…
The first week of May will likely see much physical change and this will be important and pivotal for our future. Our physical life is changing. We will likely be inspired to make our move this week. Something will require our action, commitment and courage.
The second week of May reveals an opportunity for us to find clarity on an area of our life which feels a little muddy and unclear. Let’s stay ultra aware, but also find our own steady pace this week.
The third week of this month shows us that we have the ability to leap over an obstacle or problematic area of our life. All we need is confidence to go for it, and then continue leaping forward.
The final week of May encourages us to keep our heart open and sensitive. Let’s not close off our heart. We will likely have an opportunity to come out of hiding, reveal and open ourselves this week. No holding back, let’s proceed with an open heart and mind.
The theme energy for May brings highlight to our need for patience and persistence. This is not the month to give up - although at times we may think we should. We may find ourselves waiting a lot in May, so let’s use this waiting to time prepare, tie up loose ends or catch up on some rest. This is a favourable month for meetings, gatherings and connecting with people of like-mind.
For more current energy updates throughout April, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member. Please see the link below if you’re inspired to.
Coming up: my next Online Art Class will likely happen on the 8th of May. Details and registrations are open, please see link below. No art experience is necessary, and this time we will be creating a piece of artwork around ‘accomplishment’. Only eight more classes to go (incl this). Online Art classes will cease at the end of August. Please take action soon if you’d like to take part in this opportunity.
Keep an eye out for my weekly card reading videos every Monday and supportive healing videos throughout the week (on my Facebook page mainly).
Ceramic Update: I have just finished a make with owls mainly. Currently I am working on a dragon-themed make - and this is estimated to be ready in the latter part of May.
New Healing Energy Cards update: I have now set myself a plan and personal deadline with this project. Although, it would be nice to have these out asap, in reality they won’t be ready until around mid 2022. I have created a detailed timeline (see link below), and this will be updated as things change. Currently I am in the process of re-illustrating some of the original deck, and am putting all cards into their own art file to start establishing them as cards - ready to go into a thorough and serious testing period.
Keep an eye on my social media networks for daily updates, cards, work in progress and support. You’ll find Temple of Balance on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube mainly.
Thank you to all Patrons and Pillar of Light Members for your ongoing support.
I trust May is a wonderful month for you,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website -
Ceramics website -
Pillar of Light Family -
Online Art Class -
Facebook support videos -
Healing Energy Cards project timeline / plan -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -