Message for May - sent with LOVE

Yay it’s May!
… and then, it was the 5th month! Welcome to May, I trust we all have a fabulous and smooth flowing new month ahead.
I bring this message to you around the beginning of each month with some updates and what’s happening at Temple of Balance. I have pulled some cards for each week in May below.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
April has been impactful on us, our life and our future. Things happened and things changed. At times the pressure may have become too much, however by the end of the month many of us have been feeling the light of hope at the end of the tunnel, we may have found some resolution in a conflicting situation and feel renewed motivation for the potential and possibilities ahead. It feels like we’ve been laying out our stepping stones - that lead us into our future - in April. Some stepping stones were crumbling, so we had to remove them, clear the rubble they left behind and find a nice new and solid stone to put in its place.
I have laid out some cards for May - let’s see what they say…
The first week of May brings highlight to our responsibilities and the things we need to actually do this week. Let’s keep that as balanced as we can and pace ourselves. We have plenty of time left. There is an ongoing feeling of untying ourselves at the moment - we’ve been loosening the reins for a little while, and these will further loosen as we get a taste for our freedom.
The second week of May shows increasing self confidence as we embark on new adventures and new experiences. We may be pleasantly surprised by some opportunities appearing, and the potential of new possibilities coming to our attention. We can trust in our confidence as we move into this new direction.
During the third week of this month there is likely highlight around a building of significance. Our purpose may be revealed to us more clearly this week, and there is an underlying feeling of peace, quiet and contentment.
The last week of May sees us potentially awash with gratitude, especially in regards to where we find ourselves and what we have personally achieved. It will be great to find some time to stop, count our blessings and smell the beautiful roses around us. There is likely an opportunity this week to get further information and look deeper into issues, questions or concerns we have around our shelter / home / health.
The theme energy shows that we will likely receive valuable insight and information that helps us resolve personal issues, and know more clearly about where we are going and who we are. There are opportunities coming up around learning and leading, as well as letting our intuition guide us forward on our path. Our intuition is strong and our spiritual practices may call us this month.
If you’d LOVE me to do a video reading for you for the upcoming month ahead (June), please have a look on my patreon website - link below.
For more current energy updates throughout May, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
HEALING ENERGY CARDS UPDATE - Healing Energy Cards (original) and Healing Energy Cards 2 (new - stand alone expansion): All is on track. Adjustments and refinements have been made. We will likely be in a better and more settled personal position to know what to do with these decks in June.
CARD READING CLUB & ONLINE ART CLASS - we are moving house this month and due to the uncertainty of our internet stability there will be NO Card Reading Club or Online Art Class this month. They return in mid-June.
CERAMICS - I have quite a bit of ceramics available on my website, however there will be nothing new until I reset up my studio again - which may take up to nine months.
TASMANIA SOLO EXHIBITION - The Wild Raptors of Tasmania - is a solo art exhibition by me, and for the first time it features my visual arts - painting, and sculptural ceramics too. This exhibition focuses on three of our wild raptors - the Wedge-Tail Eagle, Peregrine Falcon and Masked Owl. Opens on 14th May at the Wilderness Gallery at Cradle Mountain, and will remain open through to September.
SUPPORTIVE SERVICES - temporarily closed - All one-on-one Supportive Services on my website are currently closed. This includes; email readings, Spirit Guide Drawings, Intuitive Healing sessions etc… These will likely open back up later in May or early June.
Have an uplifting and wonderful May,
Much LOVE,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website -
Ceramics website -
Pillar of Light Family -
Ceramics dedicated newsletter (monthly) - (option 5).
Temple of Balance on Patreon -
Wilderness Gallery, Tasmania -