Message for November - sent with LOVE

Happy November!
I trust you find this message supportive, and that it finds you stable and secure.
Below you will find my messages for this month ahead and some things that are happening at Temple of Balance.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
October has been a high-speed month and many of us have made a lot of progress on projects and life dealings. One of our big themes for October has been lessons learned, and learning, around patience. This has been an ongoing lesson for so many of us since September. As we learn to stop pushing against stream and practice patience in ways that can support our journey forward in life, then we may find great personal benefit from these lessons. October has had some surprising setbacks, delays and occurrences that have tested our resolve (and patience), yet we got through it. We may have actually surprised ourselves with how well we handled something unfortunate. Support and assistance from others were high during October.
I have laid out some cards for November - let’s see what they say…
The first week of November sees a surprising growth in self-confidence and abundance. We may find ourselves in quite good flow and receive some ‘good fortune’. Strong confidence shows that reassurance and strength are high this week.
During the second week of November some of us are ready now to make a determined and clear commitment. We may be committing to something formal – like a contract, or relationship, or it could be something a little more abstract – like the breaking of a bad habit, or starting a new exercise plan. Something substantial is preparing to manifest that will spark renewed purpose within us.
The third week of November shows that something we have been doing privately or quietly will be ready to poke its head out – moving from an internal to an external place in our life. We may find that something is revealed that causes us to look at a situation, others or ourselves in a new way.
The final week of November brings with it change and a new direction. Our path is solid under our feet and we’re being encouraged to trust our instincts as we walk our path. There is an opportunity this week to reconnect to something or someone we have previously become distant from.
Our theme energy for November is about finding a balance between COOPERATION and ASSERTIVENESS. When do we need to step back and allow others the opportunity to step up? When do we need to take the reins ourselves? Figuring this out will likely be instinctual and will require courage for silence, and courage for action.
For more current energy updates weekly throughout November you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
TASMANIA EVENTS – Fri 21 – 23 February 2025 – To celebrate our 20th Birthday you’re invited to Tasmania to join us in our Release & Rebirth Intensive Healing Event. You can learn more about it on our website below.
CARD READING CLUB - our next online session will take place on Thu 14th November and is focused around our theme: ‘doing vs being’. You can find out more details on the link below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - our next online art class will be on Fri 15th November. We’re starting our next series – 4 part – Birthing 2025 – our theme for this first session is ‘surrender’. Details on this below.
HARMONY ON HIGH STREET – Campbell Town, Tasmania. Cory and I are opening our Gallery & Art Hub this month – also offering Temple of Balance creations and services. Our Grand Opening is on Sat 23 & 24 November. Then we will be open daily from 9am – 5pm. We are giving this a 12-month trial and if you are in the area, please stop by. If you are interested please see the dedicated Facebook page here:
Have a wonderful and successful November,
Thank you for reading,
Lee-Anne Peters
Tasmania Event – Release & Rebirth – Tickets:
Main website - (Healing Energy Cards, online art class, and card reading club, are here on the home page).
Ceramics website - (Studio Opening, and Studio events).