Message for September - sent with LOVE

Happy September!
I trust this message finds you well and brings you some support.
I bring this message to you around the beginning of each month with some updates and what’s happening at Temple of Balance. I have pulled some cards for each week in September below.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
August was a strong month. It was strong in working together, making personal progress, figuring things out, making changes, births and preparing for endings. We’ve had quite a few repetitive themes during August around untying ourselves, boundaries and rediscovering our wild and liberated spirit. There has been some deeply touching sacred moments and connections to bask in, as well as some difficult connections ‘blowing up’ in a surprising manner.
I have laid out some cards for September - let’s see what they say…
Wow, we’re off to a strong start for the first week of September, with it potentially being a potent time for clearing, purging and releasing things that have been holding us back - specifically from making substantial changes in our life.
The second week of September reminds us to stay focused, avoid distractions (or notice when we are being distracted) and heightened sensitivity. We may feel like we’re in transition this week - with the old door not fully closed, and neither the new door fully opened.
The third week of September will likely be a great time to write things down as new energy is being received through our ideas, interactions and inspirations. There may be heaviness present this week as some things may not be as they seem - or appear on the surface. While we explore this, let’s consider a fun-loving and optimistic approach.
During the final week of this month, we’re being encouraged to keep going, and avoid stopping to dig-up-the-dirt unnecessarily. Let’s consider the long-distance, and going that distance. Something new is likely opening up as we are prompted to take a risk and follow our heart. We have the increasing confidence and the desire to make this work.
The theme energy for September is to bide our time and make time to ponder, rest and heal. We may find a general slower pace to our movements this month. Communication, listening and expressing ourselves clearly may be important in our relationships / friendships.
If you’d LOVE me to do a video reading for you for the upcoming month ahead (October), please have a look on my patreon website - link below.
For more current energy updates throughout September, you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
HEALING ENERGY CARDS UPDATE - Healing Energy Cards (original) and Healing Energy Cards 2 (new - stand alone expansion): All is on track. Adjustments and refinements have been made. We’re not in a position to consider printing on them right now (early September), my plan is to proceed with another printing / shipping quote soon and see what the status is.
CARD READING CLUB - our next online session will take place on Fri 16th Sept and starts at 9am (Syd time). In this session we focus on our theme exploring connections and connection issues (aka disconnection / separation). Details are on my website link below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - our next online art class / art therapy session / deep healing event will also be taking place on Fri 16th Sept from 5-7pm (Syd time). In this class we will be focusing on the final of our chakra series - the crown. Details are on my website link below.
CERAMICS - My ceramics creating continues to be on hold at the moment while we slowly take steps to renovate my garage into an art studio. There are some pottery pieces on my website.
LOCAL ART CLASSES - I will be offering local art classes - pottery, painting etc once my studio is set up. The aim is to have this start by Feb / March 2023. In Campbell Town, Tasmania.
Thank you,
Lee-Anne Peters
Main website - (online art class, and card reading club here on home page).
Ceramics website -
Lee-Anne Peters Facebook page -
Pillar of Light Family -
Temple of Balance on Patreon -