Message for September - sent with LOVE

It’s September, and this month, at least in the Southern Hemisphere we will start ‘planting the seeds for new beginnings’!
I trust this message finds you well.
Below you will find my messages for this month ahead and some things that are happening at Temple of Balance.
If you’d like to receive these monthly messages directly to your inbox please sign up here: (option 2).
August has been powerfully up and down for a lot of us. We sailed through high highs and low lows. Our self-belief hit rock bottom, yet incredible opportunities and news propelled us into orbit! The energy has been strong, fast, intense, persistent, forceful and strengthening. Fear has reared it’s head up for some of us as we step courageously towards one of the biggest unknowns we have ever faced in our life. We questioned ourselves and our life. We set action plans into place. We held our ground. We asked for help. We proceeded in a flurry and, as we left August, many of us were on board our very own high-speed train that is taking us somewhere likely known, or at least somewhat known to us. The tracks have been partially laid out at least, so we are on track, and we can trust in the direction that we are going.
I have laid out some cards for September - let’s see what they say…
The first week of September will likely continue to be reasonably fast moving – so we may be trying not to be swept into the floods of overwhelm. There is opportunity to break down the shell that we have been hiding behind and untie ourselves from our own private issues.
The second week of September shows that many of us may feel like we are ‘in between’ things, or transitioning from one space to another. There is strong energy around this week highlighting a new direction and a stronger and more defined path.
The third week of September highlights honesty, openness and the heart. There may be a sensitivity and confronting energy present this week as we face our shadows, be honest and trust our instincts moving forward. We know where we’re going so let’s not allow fear to stop us.
Vulnerability will likely continue into this last week of September. We’re encouraged to flow and feel our way forward – turning our sensitivity into practical and positive action. We may encounter nay-sayers this week so holding our position confidently my help support us.
Our theme energy for September highlights support and looking after our body. This is an important month for healing, releasing old wounds and tending to the needs of our physical body. We may walk through something we don’t really want to do this month, however it is necessary, so we might as well just grit our teeth and get it done. We will feel better when it is complete, so procrastination will only draw things out.
For more current energy updates weekly throughout September you may like to consider becoming a Pillar of Light Member.
TASMANIA EVENTS –February 2025 - We have five separate events coming up: 1. Intensive Art Project Workshop, 2. Vision Quest, 3. Gathering with card reading & sound healing, 4. Spirit Guide Drawing Workshop and 5. Intensive Healing Workshop. Tickets are open and details for all of these can be viewed on the link below.
CARD READING CLUB - our next online session will take place on Thu 12th September and is focused around our theme: ‘accessing the knowledge of our spiritual team’. You can find out more details on the link below.
ONLINE ART CLASS - our next online art class will be on Fri 13th September. We’re continuing on our chakra series (7 part). In this class we’ll be exploring the Third Eye Chakra – which is our centre for vision, intuition and trust – trust issues tend to be held here. Come to some or all within this series. Details on this below.
PLANTING THE SEEDS FOR NEW BEGINNINGS – It’s that time of the year again. Patreons who are signed up to the ‘healing list event’ will be included in this springtime (for the southern hemisphere) event at the end of September. Become or renew your Patreon here:
HARMONY ON HIGH STREET – Campbell Town, Tasmania. After many years of dreaming to have a physical location to share my work, it is now manifesting. Cory and I are opening our Gallery & Art Hub – also offering Temple of Balance creations and services. Our Grand Opening is on Sat 23 & 24 November. We will be open daily from 9am – 5pm. We are giving this a 12-month trial and if you are in the area, hopefully we can see you in person during 2025. See the new dedicated Facebook page here:
Happy new seed planting this month!
Thank you for reading,
Lee-Anne Peters
Tasmania Events – Feb 2025 – Tickets:
Main website - (Healing Energy Cards, online art class, and card reading club, are here on the home page).
Ceramics website - (Studio Opening, and Studio events).