Cards For 26 Oct - 1 Nov 2022

Live video streamed on YouTube - with Lee-Anne Peters

If you enjoyed this video please share, comment or show your support, thank you, Lee-Anne

- Thanks for watching

Coming every week:

- Wednesday - cards for the week ahead.

- Support videos as inspired several times per week at this stage. See facebook page below.

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1 comment

  • Good morning Lee-Ann ,
    I have just watched the replay .
    I could not connect with replying on
    screen , so I just wanted to say a big Thank you . I felt like you were talking to me , soooo much going on .
    Have an AWESOME week ,
    NAMASTE 🙏🏻💛🙏🏻🌻🦋🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺💛💛💛💛💛

    Jens Conti

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