91 Healing Energy Card
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Rebuild in new & improved ways. Rise up from the ashes. Create something better than before. Be dedicated. Commit. New memories created.
Category: Rise
Category: Rise
Lee-Anne Peters - deck artist and creator
CATEGORY RISE KEYWORDS: Phoenix-like, rising, upwards, lift off, motivated, inspired, new level, true masculine.
Thank you for helping me refine and test this upcoming deck of Healing Energy Cards. Your feedback is encouraged. Please leave a message, comment on the social media post or drop us an email. Please share your card selection if it resonates.
Much gratitude, Lee-Anne Peters
New - Healing Energy Cards - original deck - are due for release in mid 2022.
New - Healing Energy Cards 2 - stand alone expansion - are also due for release in mid 2022.
Decks will contain 55 x cards each and will be sold separately.