Healing Energy Cards 2 are the long-awaited stand alone expansion to the original Healing Energy Cards, that artist and creator Lee-Anne Peters first released in 2008.
This deck has been designed to either combine with the original deck, or be used on its own. It contains new energies to help take your self healing journey to deeper and more expansive levels.
Healing Energy Cards 2 is a highly energetic deck that has been intensely tested to support, guide, confront and help release those issues you carry that have been holding you back.
There are 55 hand-drawn cards within, plus an info card. Each card has been put into one of five categories - rise, depth, rest, action or neutral to help you get more from your deck.
If you are ready to expand your original Healing Energy Cards deck, or access deeper healing energies to support your improvement, healing and life's journey then this is likely the deck for you.
Holding the deck and feeling the intense vibrations, is just the beginning...
Card Categories: you will find that every card has been allocated one of five categories: depth, rise, rest, action, or neutral. When laying multiple cards out it can be good to see if there is a category appearing more than others. We tend to mostly be present in one of these categories, so it can be helpful to understand them.
DEPTH: is generally withdrawn energy that takes us deeper, on a quest for information and understanding. Like the chalice / true feminine. Green. Bottom of vertical axis.
RISE: is like the phoenix and tends to be motivating and energetic. Like the blade / true masculine. Yellow. Top of vertical axis.
REST: is typically a time of retreat, into the cave for healing, rest or recovery. Blue. Left of horizontal axis.
ACTION: is productive, practical and is a good time to get things done. Red. Right of horizontal axis.
NEUTRAL: is the standstill, the crossroad, containing all of the above, it is the turn of the tide, the pause before we draw a new breath. Typically a time of savouring, celebration, appreciation. White. Centre.
These are covered in further depth in the companion eBook.